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        Sealed Lead Acid           

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Hello Kitty 6V Quad

Price: $19.99

Item is: IN STOCK
Average Delivery Time: 1-2 DAYS

Item Number: PK645

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This 6 Volt 4.5Ah Deep Cycle battery is an excellent value.  We send you (1) 6 volt 4.5ah High Performance Battery.

Chemistry            Sealed Lead Acid  
Voltage 6
Capacity 4.5ah
Terminals F1
Length 2.76
Width 1.77
Height 3.98
Warranty 1 Year

Deep cycle battery plates have thicker active plates, with higher-density active paste material and thicker separators. Alloys used for the plates in a deep cycle battery may contain more antimony than that of starting batteries. The thicker battery plates resist corrosion through extended charge and discharge cycles.

Power King Valve Regulated Lead Acid batteries are designed with AGM technology, high performance plates, and high performance electrolyte to gain extra power output for common power backup system applications widely used in the fields of UPS and Emergency Lighting. Features include sealed and maintenance free operation, non-spillable construction design, ABS containers and covers, safety valve installation, high quality and high reliability. Exceptional deep discharge recovery performance, low self-discharge characteristics, and flexibility in design for multiple install positions. 

                                                       Compatibility Chart

Abbott Laboratories 75 Life Care Breeze
Dual Lite ERS ECL-1 Panasonic 6V 5Ah
Abbott Laboratories Life Care 75 Breeze Dual Lite SDG Panasonic LC-RB064P
Access SLA650 Dual Lite EPP Panasonic LC-R6V4ML2
Access SLA640 Dual Lite 12-295 Panasonic LC-R6V4TL
Access SLA642 Dual Lite 12-255 Panasonic LC-R6V4PT
Ademco 25389 Dual Lite EDS Panasonic LC-R6V4PL
Ademco 25404 Dual Lite CLA-106 Panasonic LC-PB064P
ADI 25389 Dual Lite BDG Panasonic LC-PR064P
ADI 25404 Eagle Picher CF6V4 Panasonic LC-R064PUL
Alaris Medical Intell Pump 2001 Easy Options 250VA Panasonic LC-R064R2CH
Alaris Medical 4400 Vital Check Monitor Elk ELK-0640 Panasonic LC-R064R5P
Alaris Medical Intell Pump 821 Elk ELK-0650 Panasonic LC-R065P
Alaris Medical 2001 Intell Pump EnerSys NP4-6 Panasonic LC-R456P
Alaris Medical Intell Pump 522 EnerSys NP4.5-6 Panasonic LC-R6V4
Alaris Medical 4410 Vital Check Monitor EnerSys 6V 5Ah Panasonic LC-R6V4BP
Alaris Medical 821 Intell Pump EnerSys 6V 4Ah Panasonic LC-R6V4BP1
Alaris Medical 4415 Vital Check Monitor EnerSys 6V 4.5Ah Panasonic LC-R6V4BP2
Alaris Medical 4510 Vital Check Monitor Exide M-100 Panasonic LC-R6V4ET
Alaris Medical 522 Intell Pump Exide PB-100 Panasonic LC-R6V4MC2
Altronix SMP10PM24P8 Exide M-126 Panasonic LC-R6V4P
Altronix SMP10PMC24X Exide Q-6 Panasonic LC-R386P
Altronix SMP16PMC12X Exide Q-4 Philips A-1 BP Monitor - M3923A
Altronix AL1002ULADAJ Exide Q-5 Portalac PE6-4
Altronix AL1012ULACMCBJ Exide 6V6 Power Patrol SLA0905
Altronix SMP10PM24P8CB Exide SSG Power Tech Off Road Rebel
American Hospital Supply 9009183 Exide S-100 Power-Sonic 6V 4Ah
American Hospital Supply Microrate Infusion Pump Exide E-Exit Power-Sonic 6V 4.6AH
American Hospital Supply 522 Plus Exide 6GC012E Power-Sonic 6V 5Ah
American Hospital Supply 521 Plus Exide 6GC012D Power-Sonic 6V 5.5AH
Amstron AP-650F1 Genesis NP4.5-6 Power-Sonic 6V 4.5Ah
Amstron AP-660F1 Global Yuasa ES46 Power-Sonic 6V 5.5Ah
Amstron AP-640F1 Global Yuasa ES4-6 Power-Sonic 6V 4Ah
Amstron 6V 4.5Ah GS Storage PE6V4.5F1 Power-Sonic 6V 5Ah
Amstron 6V 4Ah GS Storage PE6-4 Power-Sonic PS-640
Amstron 6V 5Ah Hawker Cyclon 6V 5Ah Power-Sonic 6V 4.5Ah
APC BK200 Haze HZS6-5 Prescolite E81914000
APC BackUPS 250 Hitachi HP4-6C Prescolite ERB-0604
APC BackUPS 1250B IBT BT4-6 Prescolite 12-255
APC AP200 IBT BT4.5-6 Protection One BT0008N
APC 200DL IBT BT5-6 Protection One BT1040N
APC BackUPS BK200B Impact Instrumentation Suction Pump 305 R&D 5269
APC BK200B Impact Instrumentation 315 Suction Pump R&D 5637
APC SmartUPS 250 Impact Instrumentation 305 Suction Pump R&D 5374
APC SmartUPS 400 Impact Instrumentation 305G Suction Pump Rhino SLA4-6
APC BackUPS BK200 Impact Instrumentation 305GR Suction Pump Ritar RT650H
At-Lite 24-1001 Interstate BSL0905 Ritar 6V 4.5Ah
At-Lite 24-1002 Interstate SLA3031 Ritar 6V 5Ah
Atlite C12C Interstate 6V 5Ah Ritar RT645
Atlite 241001 Interstate SLA0905 Ritar RT650
Atlite 241002 Interstate 6V 6Ah Ritar 6V 5.5Ah
B.Braun Intelligent Infusor Pump 2001 Interstate SLA0915 Ritar RT655
B.Braun Intelligent Pump 521 Plus Interstate SLA3050 Ritar 6V 4Ah
B.Braun Intelligent Pump 522 Interstate BP640 Siemens 341R Cardiac Transport Monitor
Baxter Healthcare Oxysat Meter SM-0200 Interstate SLA0906 Silent Knight 5207 Transmitter
Baxter Healthcare Ericsson Stat Meter SM0200 Interstate SLA0913 Silent Knight 5207
Baxter Healthcare 821 Microate INF Pump Interstate SLA0918 SL Weber PowerHouse 420T
Baxter Healthcare 522 Microate INF Pump Interstate SLA0919 SL Weber Upstart
Baxter Healthcare Ericsson Stat Meter SM02 Interstate SLA3040 Sonnenschein 2145101200
Baxter Healthcare 522 Cardiac Output Computer Interstate SLA0830 Sonnenschein S100
Baxter Healthcare 521 Microate INF Pump Interstate PC640 Sonnenschein 3TX25
Baxter Healthcare 2001 Microate INF Pump John Deere Utility Tractor IGED1064 Sonnenschein 103103
Baxter Healthcare Ericsson Stat Meter Jolt SA645 Sonnenschein 103101
Baxter Healthcare Cardiac Output Computer 522 Jolt JP640 Sonnenschein 100204010
Baxter Healthcare SM0200 Bentley Oxygen Kaufel Kaufel 002019 Sonnenschein 1000010145
Baxter Healthcare Bentley Oxygen Kaufel Kaufel 002027 Sonnenschein 6V4.6AH
BB BP4-6 Kung Long WP4.5-6 Sonnenschein SSG
BB BP4.5-6 Kung Long WP4.5-6C Sonnenschein 6V/4AHSP
BB BP5-6 Kung Long WP5-6 Sonnenschein S300
BCI International 7000 Oximeter Kung Long WP4-6V0 Sonnenschein 3TX2K
BCI International 70000A1 Kung Long WP4-6C Sonnenschein 6V/4AHSP
Belkin BU304000 Kung Long WP4-6 Sonnenschein 6V4.6
Bird Products Avian Portable Ventilator 15365 Ladd Steritak J3000 Inter Cranial Pressure Monitor Sonnenschein CR64.5
Cas Medical 9000 Blood Pressure Monitor Leadman LU-650A Sonnenschein DM1
Cas Medical 9000 Leoch lp6-6.0 Sonnenschein DM2
Casil CA645 Life Line H102 Communicator Sonnenschein A506/4S
Casil CA640 Life Line HC102 AutoDial Sonnenschein A5004S
Chloride 100-001-0145 Life Line HC102 Home Unit Sonnenschein A206/4S
Chloride 100-001-075 Light Alarms E8 Sonnenschein A206/4K
Chloride 100-001-131 Light Alarms FL LL6 Sonnenschein NGA51204D2HSOSA
Chloride 100-001-145 Light Alarms SGL-D Sonnenschein S200
Criticare Systems 502 Pulse Oximeter Light Alarms SQL Sonnenschein S6246IS
Criticare Systems 504 Pulse Oximeter Light Alarms DS3 Sonnenschein A206/46
Criticare Systems 504US Pulse Oximeters Light Alarms DM3 Sonnenschein A50642S
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter 502 Light Alarms CE1-5BS Sonnenschein A5064
Criticare Systems TLCO2 Light Alarms CE1-5BN Sonnenschein A506/42K
Criticare Systems 506 Pulse Oximeter Light Alarms CE1-5BL Sonnenschein 7895391
Criticare Systems END/TLC02 Pulse Oximeter Light Alarms CE1-5BF Sonnenschein 7190390
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter 50245 Light Alarms CE1-5AA Sonnenschein 789539100
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter 50445 Lithonia ELB0604 Sonnenschein A206/3.8K
Criticare Systems 50445 Pulse Oximeter Lithonia ELBLL-BE-2 Sonnenschein A206/3.8SK
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter 506 Lithonia ELB06042 Sonnenschein A206/4
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter DXN Mcgaw 821 Intelligent Pump Sonnenschein A506/4.2S
Criticare Systems 50245 Pulse Oximeter Mcgaw 522 Intelligent Pump Sonnenschein A506/4.5K
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter END/TLCO2 Mcgaw 521 Plus Sure-Lites 26-02
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter 504 Mcgaw 521 Intelligent Pump Sure-Lites 26-117
Criticare Systems 652008 Mcgaw 2001 Intell Pump/Infusor Sure-Lites 26-78
Criticare Systems 504 MK ES3-6 H Tempest TR6-6
Criticare Systems 506 MK ES3-6H Tempest TR5-6A
Criticare Systems 503 MK ES4-6 Tempest TR4-6A
Criticare Systems 502 National Power GS012P1 Tripp Lite BC Internet 325
Criticare Systems 502US Pulse Oximeters National Power GS020Q2 Tripp Lite BC400 LAN
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter National Power GS012P3LL Tripp Lite BC Personal 250
Criticare Systems Pulse Oximeter 504US National Power GS012P2 Tripp Lite BC250
CSB GP645 F2 Nellcor N-600 Oximax Tripp Lite Internet Office 325
CSB GP645 Nellcor NPB 190 Tripp Lite OmniSmart 280
CSB GP640 F2 Nellcor NPB 3910 Tripp Lite TM 420
CSB GP642 Nellcor NPB 195 Union MX-06045
CSB GP645F2 Nellcor NPB 290 Union PW0604
CSB GH640 Nellcor NPB 390 Union MX-06040
CSB GP640 Nellcor NPB 295 Unison 600
Dantona LEAD 6V 5P Nellcor NPB 3900 Unison DP800
Datex Pulse Oximeter 504US Nellcor NPB 3930 Unison DP1000
Datex Aestiva 5/7100 Compact Nellcor Quick Sign Universal D5733
Douglas Guardian DG64WL Nellcor NPB 600 Universal UB645
Douglas Guardian DG64 Nellcor NPB 595 Vision CP656
Douglas Guardian DG6-5F Nellcor NPB 395 Vision CP650
Douglas Guardian DBG64WL Nellcor NPB 3940 Vision CP645H
Douglas Guardian DBG64 Panasonic LC-R6V5P Vision CP645
Douglas Guardian DG65 Panasonic LC-RB0604P Vision CP642
Douglas Guardian DBG6-5F Panasonic LC-RB064R2P Volcano KB640
Douglas Guardian DBG65F Panasonic LC-S064R1PU Wang PowerUPS 250
Douglas Guardian DBG65 Panasonic LC-S416P Yuasa NP4.5-6
Douglas Guardian DG65F Panasonic LC-S416PCU Yuasa 6V 4.5Ah
Dual Lite RLP Panasonic 6V 6Ah Yuasa 6V 5Ah
Panasonic LC-R064R2P Yuasa NP4-6

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